Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Monday, 22 March 2010
Magazine adverts (secondary research)

This magazine hasn't got bright colours but is very attractive, it looks kind of nerdy image with a white background the the image of the artist make the advert very attractive. the font colour of the writing is very consistent but in different font size example the top writing at the top of the advert that say stop complaining is blue with a darker blue outline, the font size is very big this is because it the title c.d. album, so highlighting the statement in a large size make it stand out so readers can recognise it when they purchase it in the shop, the camera angle of the image is a high angle shot which very good because it make you feel the artist is looking at you at also has 4 stars showing on the advert which makes you think the album must be very good so is encourages more to by the album

This magazine advert is very attractive because it has many different pristine colour that help the image to have many different bright colour, it has many different types of font styles and colours, i think this is done to make each writing stand out from other writing on the advert, the releasing date of the cd co is in a white writing with a black background below the magazine advert, the main reason the font colour is white in a black background is because it easier to read and because the release date is the most important information on the magazine advert is only right the contrast the colour with the bright colours at the top so is easy catch readers attention, the positioning of the picture of the artist is very well placed because it allows more information to be placed on the left hand side if the advert, the idea of the green grass is very smart because you can tell the sun is making the grass shine which make the whole advert cover image sort of glow.